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About HKU Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering has been making significant contributions to Hong Kong and the engineering community world-wide by nurturing top-rated engineers. Amongst our graduates, there are internationally renowned engineers as well as eminent community leaders, and a large proportion of Hong Kong’s senior engineers and managers in public utilities, government and industry are graduates of the Faculty. Our strong network of 42,000+ alumni excelled in different industrial sectors, formed a strong network to contribute to the sustainable development of the world, and served as great supporters to their alma mater and mentors for our younger generation.

Today, the Faculty of Engineering continues to attract the best students from Hong Kong and beyond to study the many diverse programs, with an annual average intake of about 600 students into the undergraduate curricula, as well as over 4,000 postgraduate students for the taught and research postgraduate studies. With our world-renowned scholars and research facilities, we offer comprehensive broad-based education to our students, and our research achievements play a significant role in contributing to the betterment of the world.

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