Message from Alumni

Bill Lin
BSc(CSIS) 2003; MPhil(CS) 2009
Software Engineering Manager
Microsoft Redmond
I joined Microsoft's Seattle headquarters after graduation and have written codes and designed features for Powerpoint, Outlook, word, etc. together with codes for many other widely used features.

Jack Li
BEng (LESCM) 2009
Engineer, Project Marketing and Sales Department, Towngas
We benefited from HKU’s well established alumni network. Mentors were invited to share their working experiences and advices which benefited me a lot.

Gordon Ng
BEng (ME) 2002; MSc (ME) 2006
Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, EMSD, HKSAR Government
Currently being an engineer in Railways Branch of EMSD, I am responsible to assess and vet new railway projects and modifications to the existing major railway facilities. HKU’s well-structured engineering learning programme
equipped me with sound knowledge and accelerated my
acquisition of professional engineering qualifications.
In 2014, I received the Certificate of Merit of the Young Engineer of the Year Award from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).

Vincent Lau
BSc (CS) 1992; PhD (CS) 2009
R&D Director, Software & Systems Group, ASTRI
My engineering background empowered me a wide range of roles, from Microsoft, incubator of a
2-person start-up into a listed company, inventor of the Q9 Character Input System, teacher in HKU and researcher in ASTRI.

Tamsin Whitfield
Student Research Assistant ME) 2014
Current PhD student (Materials Science),
University of Cambridge
HKU is one to the top universities in the world for its
great reputation in both research and teaching. Its
diverse culture was also one of the reasons why I
wanted to come here.

Daniel Buhr
BEng (IETM) 2014
Lean Manager, LSG Sky Chefs
My HKU Industrial Engineering life has come to an end when I integrated into the LSG Sky Chefs World of airline catering. Managing over 400 employees on a daily basis to ensure on-time delivery of meals to aircrafts and
passengers is exactly what we were taught during my studies at IMSE.

Lecky Cheng
BEng (EE) 2012; MPhil 2016
Assistant Engineer, CLP Power Hong Kong
The Faculty emphasizes on students' experiential insights
by providing various practical trainings. Both project
management, resource programming and communication skills I learnt have facilitated my current work. In addition, the prospective courses also help students to learn the
cutting-edge technologies in the world.

Michelle Lam
BEng (IETM) 2012
Associate Consultant, Hong Kong Productivity Council
I have completed the Scheme A training and worked as an associate consultant in Process Innovation team at HKPC. Our team provides consultancy services in various industries. It's a great opportunity for me to
apply the knowledge I've gained from HKU Faculty of Engineering in my job.

Nicole Fong
BEng (IETM) 2012
Graduate Programme Manager, Standard Chartered Bank
HKU is exactly the place that will give you massive opportunities. Therefore I will definitely recommend our students to explore what HKU is about and become part of us.

Chen Xinxi
BBA(IS)/BEng (CS) 2015
Senior Engineer, Uber Technologies Inc.
The dual degree program at HKU helps me build strong
engineering background with business perspectives. I am the key contributor to the uberPOOL matching algorithms, led several projects to help uberPOOL offer lower cost trips to riders, and built the new product Express POOL.

Joyce Chan
BEng (CivE), 2010
Renewal Engineer-Permanent Way, MTRC
The curriculum of HKU Faculty of Engineering provides high flexibility and massive learning opportunities. I find especially the Graduate Mentor Scheme very helpful.

Jimmy Chan
BEng (ME) 2012
Assistant Engineer, Swire Properties
I participated in the internship programme organized by HKU and The Boeing Company in the US. This exposure greatly widened my eyesight and taught me the latest
technology in aircraft manufacturing as well as how to achieve the highest standard.

Alan Cheng
BEng (ME) 2009
Post-doctoral fellow, Stanford University
I am indebted to HKU Engineering for the education and research experience I received prior to my PhD study at the US. The skills I acquired at HKU helped me to launch into a successful academic career.

Peggy Leung
BEng (ME) 2011; PhD (ME) 2015
Assistant Engineer, Ove Arup & Partners
My PhD experience equipped me with analytical skills essential to help us stay competitive in this fast changing world. In addition, my exchange experience in the University of Arizona during PhD trained me to collaborate with others in a more efficient manner.

Divine Fung
BEng (CS) & BBA (Finance) 2012
Technology Associate, Morgan Stanley
I highly recommend the Faculty because it provides a
whole person education experience which helps students
to acquire soft skills and critical thinking that are essential
for them to succeed.

Yan Tam
BEng (CivE) 2010
Civil Engineering Graduate,
Hong Kong Housing Authority
Throughout my U-life, I obtained relevant knowledge via useful resources provided. Most importantly, I gained precious friendship, developed various skill set and well equipped
myself for adapting to the ever-changing environment. I believe HKU is a great place for nurturing
our future pillars!

Li Hongxing
PhD (CS) 2012
Software Engineer, Amazon USA
HKU Engineering has world-class professors who are so helpful and willing to provide professional trainings in class and also a lot of extra-curricular activities to strengthen our capabilities.

Ryan Fan
BEng (CivE) 2006
Engineer-Permanent Way & Civil, MTRC
I got an internship opportunity to work in an engineering consultancy firm during my study
in HKU, which exposed me splendidly to the real working environment and allowed me have a better preparation for my career.

Matthew Man
BEng (EComE) 2010
Engineer – Signalling, MTRC
Electrical and Electronic Engineering is not limited to electrical panel design works, banks and airlines also recruit graduates to handle sophisticated transaction systems to minimize errors. On the other hand, Faculty of Engineering encourages students to broaden exposure by taking part in a variety of activities. I studied psychology in the University of Nottingham, and also participated in volunteer works in Nepal and Cambodia. I am benefited from these experience and it facilitated my work.

Mandy Leung
BEng (EEE) 1998
Senior Planning Development Manager, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
I was responsible for the power network planning for Kowloon and the New Territories areas, and now also support the development of environmental policy of the company. I am so proud of my job because whenever I see stable electricity supply in Hong Kong, I reckon I have made contributions to this community.
In 2010, I received the Young Engineer of the Year Award from the HKIE.

Kingston Yu
BEng (CivE) 2009
Site Engineer, Dragages
I am glad that I could participate in the Express Rail Link project connecting Hong Kong with mainland China and have operated the Tunnel Boring Machine, a state-of-theart
construction tool which only few Chinese engineers have such experience.

Doug Kwan
BSc (CS) 1992
Staff Software Engineer, Google
My HKU training equipped me with the skills to solve interesting technical problems. I developed a new optimization in our compiler at Google to reduce programme sizes so that the Android team could put
more features into the limited storage of phones.

James Lee
BEng (ME) 2005
Masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT, 2008
Director, Paperclip Design
Aviation has always been my passion. Courses in the ME curriculum give very comprehensive fundamentals, which turned out to be very useful to my current career: designing aircraft seats. Setting up my own business has been a challenging but rewarding

Jeff Ng
BSc (CSIS) 2005
Programme Manager, WebOrganic - Internet Learning Support Programme
After my first job in IBM Consulting Services, I helped to launch a poverty relief project at the Hong Kong Council of Social Service
where 300,000 children from low-salary families were provided free internet service for their learning. Applying what I have learnt
to the area of social service is a very treasurable experience.

Susanna Ho
BEng (CE) 1998; MPhil 2000
Professor, Australian National University
I enjoyed learning in HKU Computer Engineering where the peer of top students mutually cultivated an encouraging and
motivating atmosphere to strive for excellence.
My advice is to start an engineering undergraduate study to grasp solid technical knowledge while you may pursue further study in business management field at a later stage.

Thomas Tsang
BEng (IETM) 2015
Process Engineer, Alliance Construction Materials Limited (under Cheung Kong Infrastructure and HeidelbergCement)
I joined Alliance Construction Materials Limited after graduation. I am responsible for utilizing and monitoring the concrete production and automation in the largest concrete plant in Hong Kong. I find the knowledge acquired from HKU helpful to improve
the productivity of my company.

Ada Poon
BEng (EEE) 1996
Associate Professor, Stanford University
I benefited hugely from the curriculum design where I could plan my time according to personal subject interest. It was very crucial in helping to build a firm technical foundation for pursuing my PhD study in UC

Joyce Ma
BEng (IETM), 2013
Associate Procurement Consultant,
Cathay Pacific Airways
The education I received in HKU has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to deal with challenges at work. In addition, I found the mentorship programme very beneficial to my career and personal development. I still maintain close contacts with my mentors.